Roomies at Room No 8, Left to Right, Neha, Mariko, Bijoli, Me, Amri, Ela and Jeny The year would have begun on a sad note when I was ...

Roomies at Room No 8, Left to Right, Neha, Mariko, Bijoli, Me, Amri, Ela and Jeny

The year would have begun on a sad note when I was still fuming from last month’s arguments and my behavior. But God had something better in mind! On the very first day, I went for a drive to
Mahabaleshwar. And travelling on very first day marked this year as Year of travelling for me.

Team Wanderers at Mengjai Hill
Then came first weekend and after a long time Team Wanderers had the first re-union at
Mengjai hill. And then came second weekend and I lived through another dream of climbing Harishachandragad via Nalichi wat. This route to get atop Harishachandragad mountain is said to be one of the toughest  routes. Highlight of this trek was also that I was only lady with a crowd of some 30 gentlemen.

Then I put stay as a metro was awaiting my arrival.

On February 1, 2014, I left for Kolkata for my rakhi-brother- Samrat’s wedding. Here I stayed with a typical Bengali family. Understanding the customs and day today life of a Bengali family was a very
enriching experience as human being. It only made me more Indian. Typically I only understood that love given is always returned triple fold. After a week spent entirely in suburbs of Kolkata I returned
home on 9 Feb 2014.

The top of Salher Fort
It was during the train journey back home, my inward journey began. This was the time to
grow as person and standing up for what I was. I was not happy with my job. It was killing me fast. There was a war going on between, mind and heart.

Meantime on the weekend of 15 - 16 February, I went for a trek to Maharashtra’s highest fort, Salher and other 4 forts ( Salota, Hargad, Mulher, Mora) near it.

During the war between mind and heart, I finally quit my job on 20th February. I utilized my time best in terms of hiking and exercising. Month of March saw me in mountains at Mangalgad and Rajgad(again!)

In April, I met my long lost friend Vasota and Babukada through Nageshwar. This was accompanied by Govalkot at Chiplun and Junglee Jaigad near Koyana Nagar.

I also went to Vasai fort and then another long time dream came true with a trek into Kundalika Valley.

This year also took me to a kid's camp at Koyana Backwaters as an outdoor expert. Once back home, Torana called me urgently before April ended.

Riki had been sick since this Torana trek. And thus I reduced my outings and treks. Yet, I went to Lonavala for searching route to a mountain and to Gorakhgad and Sandhan Valley.

With the Ferrari already sold, this Monk had only one journey to take, The journey to
center of my heart which is always a treacherous one. I took long three months to reach my destination. On 1st June 2014, Zenith Odysseys was born and became the center of my existence.

On 16th June, I attended a family function with Riki which turned out to be his last. I went for couple of other minor treks of Vairatgad and Pandavgad.

Now, it was time for launching Zenith Odysseys with her maiden trek to Kalsubai on June 21 2014.

Zenith's second trek was to Karnala which did not go that well. And as August barged in, I left for my heavenly travel to Ladakh, Date was 3 August 2014. I returned on 16 August only to repent my decision.

Ladakh Story Part I

Ladakh Story Part II

Ladakh Story Part III

Ladakh Story Part IV

Ladakh Fact File and Trivia bits

Riki passed away on 20th September.

Less than a month after this I went on with fulfilling another dream of Basic Mountaineering Course at Himalayan Mountaineering Institute, 13 Oct 2014.

Graduates of HMI BMC 304
On our way back from Base camp to the Institiute we spent a day in Yuksom. I met few of the Golden hearts here and have the confidence that this friendship will last all life long. I graduated as a Basic Mountaineer on 10 November 2014 and returned home on 13 November 2014 after spending sometime in Kolkata. By the time I returned, it was wedding season and two of my cousins, one each on either side ( maternal & paternal) were ready to get married. After all the chaos, I returned home on 5 December.

Flamingos at Bhigwan
I had spent so much of time outside that I felt as if I have moved to a new home. With all the changes happening in my life, I moved to my room after almost 4 years .

On 18 December, I along with few friends went to Bhigwan, Dont ask why, bird watching is not part of my life. This was followed by Trek to Kailasgad with my best people. This is so very much part of my life.

Now I am looking forward to the last weekend of the year with a party on rooftop with my cousins and a celebration of New Year with my close ones.

This year was really too good in terms of travelling & personal Growth. I fulfilled a lot of dreams and started dreaming a few new ones.

2015 onward, my trek and travel stories will be published Gypsy Princess and this blog will hold stories of my experiences.

When I was booking my tickets for travelling back home post BMC, I had realized I would be having fourteen hours in Kolkata between tw...

When I was booking my tickets for travelling back home post BMC, I had realized I would be having fourteen hours in Kolkata between two trains. Right then I had decided to make best use of this time, but I hadn’t made any concrete plans.

Having been in Kolkata twice before this occasion, almost all the listed tourist spots were done for.  During the Basic Mountaineering Course, I had quick chats with some of the people who were citizens of Kolkata, but nothing fruitful had come up.

During the October stay in Kolkata before course, I and Vivek had visited Indian Museum and I hadn’t carried my camera inside for reasons unknown to me. So, I had another visit to the museum on my mind. But this definitely was not a full day activity.  Also, I wanted to spend some time alone, so I actually avoided rescheduling my tickets.

On the morning of November 10, 2014, the batch of BMC 304 graduated from Himalayan Mountaineering Institute.The photo session lasted for an hour or more. We bid adieu to each other by early evening. And I was on my way to New Jalpaigudi by 4 PM.

Since last few months, I have caught of disease of being punctual. Hence, there I was at NJP station waiting for the train to Kolkata which was delayed by an hour and half. Starting late meant reaching late, hence, the train delay had already cut off an hour and half from my time in Kolkata.

The train arrived in Kolkata at about 9 AM. I had slept well during the night but the tiredness from the course hadn’t gone. I was carrying a big backpack of some 20 kgs and I didn’t want to carry it all around in Kolkata. Hence, from Sealdah, I took a prepaid cab to Howrah Junction. I checked in my big backpack at the cloak room and carried the day pack. When I walked out of Howrah Junction, there was only one question on my mind... What Next?!?

After a brief thought I decided to head to the Indian Museum to take photos which I had missed during first visit. But the cab driver had different plans. He dropped me at Rabindra Sadan and gave me an opportunity to take my morning walk. During the walk, at Chowranghee, I came across the big food store of Haldiram’s and I recollected that I have tummy too. The time was well past 10:30, so a brunch was definitely called for. I ordered chhole Bhature which was really tummy full. I also checked out the mithai on their shelves and
noted that I should come back for the shopping before leaving the Metro.

From here I walked to Indian Museum. This time I made it a point to take my camera inside. The collection of historic exhibits at this museum is explicit and precious. Although, I am not an expert of history, I like visiting monuments and imagining how things would have been then.  Having visited the museum earlier, I knew which sections I wanted to visit and which ones I didn’t want to. When I finally walked out of the museum, time was 1:15 PM. I still had complete 8 hours before reporting at Howrah Junction for departure.

Meantime, facebook friends had poured suggestions on my question. One suggestion was to take a walk on college street. Knowing myself well, I had always avoided college street during all my visits. I didn’t want to spend away all my money on books and die hungry. Seeing the suggestion, I resolved to myself that I would not buy any book and just look around and started walked towards college street. When I asked for directions, people gave the directions and also suggested taking a cab. I had decided to walk. I walked and walked and then I saw a Tram! I always wanted to take that Tram ride. This was the Time of my life and I wanted to cash the opportunity and I got into the Tram. This was the best ride of my life.

When I got into the Tram, the conductor asked where I wanted to go, I said I don’t have any specific destination and he may charge me till the last station. He gave a ticket worth Rs. 5 and told me that I can get down anywhere I want.  The lady sitting next to me inquired what I was up to. During the chat she suggested getting down at BBD Bag and trying out some Kesar ras malai at K C Das opposite the station.  So my next destination was decided.

At K.C Das, the Kesar Ras Malai experience was not only delicious but also fulfilling as the people at K.C. Das were kind and thoughtful.  When I inquired at the sales  counter for directions to college street, the guy suggested taking the Tram from the station opposite the shop.

Now, I was experienced for Tram ride, the ticket was Rs. 5 and when I inquired how long it would take, the conductor snapped back, you should have lots of time if you want to go in the Tram. However, in 10 minutes, I was at College Street. Seeing so many book shops at one place, I felt as if I am in paradise and bankrupt by all means.  One of my colleagues messaged that College Street is Asia’s biggest books market. I walked here and there, browsed through shops.

I was thinking of buying newly released “Playing it my Way”, Sachin Tendulkar’s Autobiography, and suddenly I saw a hoarding, “Sri Aurobindo PathMandir”. I re-read to confirm. Yes, it was that place. All my thoughts vanished as I paced in trance towards the entrance.

The Entrance leads you to a staircase, the wall on left side holds the information of rooms inside the mandir and the wall on the right side bears the message from Sri Aurobindo. I was in trance when I climbed the steps. At the stilt floor, there is a counter for selling books. When I approached the lady at the counter she told me the books available were related only to Sri Aurobindo. I told her that was the exact reason why I was there. She seemed pleased with the reply and handed me a catalogue. I went through the catalogue and requested her to give me “The Life Divine”. She asked why I was buying that book. The bi-lingual conversation was getting interesting. I told her about my upbringing and schooling and shared the list of books on my cell phone. Seeing the name of this book on my list she was surprised.

When I was a kid, the renowned speaker Dr. Shivajirao Bhosale was holding lectures in town and there was a lecture on Sri Aurobindo and during the lecture he had given a few references from this book. Since then this book was on my list.

Me and Aunty chatted further and she told me that now a lot people don’t study Bangla and most of the education happens in English Medium Schools. The future of literature in Bangla language doesn’t seem bright. She also mentioned that she was glad to see me making efforts to learn Bangla. During the entire conversation she was speaking in Bangla and I was replying in Bangla supported by English.
When I was bidding adieu, she invited me to the PathMandir on my next visit to Kolkata. She also warned that I should get back to Howrah Junction before it gets lonely on the streets. I promised her that I will be safe.

When I came back on street, it was 4:30 PM and it had started getting dark. So I again took Tram to the station of origin. The conductor suggested getting down at Central Metro Station and taking the metro to Esplanade.

I re-visited Haldiram’s, ate huge Masala Dosa and purchased Rasgullas of three different flavours. They had six flavours on menu. When I looked at the range of sweets they were offering, I was left spellbound.
I asked a guy at the counter for instructions to Babu Ghat. He told me to take a city bus from the bus station opposite the shop. But crossing the street was a major task and like every time it was the task of the day! I succeeded after around 10 minutes.

The bus journey was fun as the conductor thought I was a non-resident Bangla woman and tried to chat with me.  Like the aunty at the sales counter at Sri Aurobindo Path Mandir the conversation continued. He wished me good luck when I got down at Babu Ghat bus station.

As it was long past sunset, I was expecting to see the lights of Howrah Bridge. However, when I got into the ferry, the Howrah Bridge was still dark and the illuminated Howrah Junction was looked fabulous on the opposite bank of Hoogly River.

The ferry ride is a quick 10 minutes affair. I waited at the jetty near Howrah Junction for the lights of Howrah Bridge for some time and made my way to Howrah Junction.

The trains to Pune usually depart from platforms at the new complex. I still had some 2 hours to spare hence I went to explore other platforms. The rush on the platforms meant for local trains suggested I should go and rest.

I made my way to New Complex’s upper class waiting room and rested for some time before getting into Azad Hind Express.