"Oh, its just a sci-fi movie, lets go", I was too reluctant to watch this one... I would rather wait for Harry Potter or Mission I...

"Oh, its just a sci-fi movie, lets go", I was too reluctant to watch this one... I would rather wait for Harry Potter or Mission Impossible. But a sci-fi was definitely not on my list.

Being a jobless rude woman, someone asking me to watch a movie with them should have been a great honor. Instead I honored them with my company to watch a movie of their choice.

As the movie began, I started feeling drowsy... Seeing Jake's brother being cremated, I was unmoved. Come on, its just another thing that happens in life. Someone's born, someone's dead! Nothing new.

Jake's was being sent to Pandora to take his bro's place and I was craving for Nacho's...

I loved the way Grace's sarcasm is in its full form when she meets Jake. Marine is most decent word she must have said. She puts in to link with Avatar! With a new body, Jake is at his best out of control form. Slowly I had started enjoying this movie.

Jake messes with a thanator and is lost in the Jungle. The sky people are worried only about the "Avatar". Jake encounters Neytiri the female Na'vi. And it looked like a typical bollywood movie.

He follows her and she criticizes his childlike curiosity. And she says" You have a strong heart. No fear. But stupid! Ignorant like a child!" Perfect, this is the best I would describe the youth. Following only superficial appearance and not wanting to see whats deep inside. perfect definition of word "Immature".

Yet he follows her to their tribe and Neytiri's mother tells him It is hard to fill a cup that is already full. So right! We have everything around and within us and we are running after something that even we don't know. This movie had forced me to think.

As the movie progressed, several secrets of this world had made home in my mind. All the energy is only borrowed and we have to return it one day... How true! I was at a crossroad now. This movie got me going. I was more at peace with myself now. I didn't feel the pain of past anymore.

Jake was taken to make "tsaheylu" with Banshee, you will know if it selects you, how? It will try to kill you. Interesting... I was laughing out loud as I saw myself not ready to accept anyone. Why would I do that? That person has to prove that they were capable of handling me or I would kill them. The bond is necessary. Huh... my head was getting heavier now.

Jake successfully makes the tsaheylu and starts flying, the scene was picturesque and suddenly he says shit, the bird tries to throw him off. Hey, that's how our lives go, our thoughts can chain us or change us.

The movie progressed, all I was seeing now was greedy nature of Human kind, we have exploited mother earth beyond our worth. All the greens are vanishing... The mother is dying. We better take steps now and save ourselves.

Well, Then came a point where Jake captures Leonopteryx and becomes Toruk Makto. Sometimes, you have to do extra-ordinary things to make someone trust you... Hmm this is how life goes...

Well, after the movie, I was at much peace with myself... It was like I had found myself.

I had realized being disrespectful to everyone and everything around me had put me through a lot of turmoil till now. And it was about time, I should have changed things within myself.

" I rather change my way and succeed than have my own way and fail. " Robert H. Schuller